2023 – 2024

I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve had quite a mixed year. 

The successful bonding of my house rabbits has been a delight of love and snuggles. Particularly after the previously unsuccessful vicious attempts in 2022. 

Studying for my third (yes I know, a little over the top) Post-Graduate Degree (this one is a requirement to complete my qualification), needed a lot of tedious reading, self-motivation and evaluation. But was successful, – yippee – I can now register with the ARB and call myself an architect (pending).

Being made redundant from my FT architectural job – boo hiss – and the delights of job hunting. 

With this, however, comes more time for fun things, like reading. In the last month I have read three exceptional books, and added to my Goodreads Book Reviews: The Obsession by Nora Roberts, The House at Riverton by Kate Morton, and The Grimrose Girls by  Laura Pohl. Each of these books was so gripping that I read them in a day, despite my intention to spread them out and make them last. 

person in yellow long sleeve shirt holding white pen writing on white paper
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

I have also been able to visit more interesting places and events.

And now that 2024 is here, I’m easing in with a new focus and a stable base. Alongside my architecture – because I have worked too hard to give it up – I intend to make more of my writing. I am approaching agents to consider my Architectural Fantasy-thriller series (more about that in later blogs), so far to no avail, but I will persist. I may even start to approach publishers directly. As part of this process, I’m typing out the second book in the series, which I started as a handwritten NaNoWriMo draft.

I am also submitting short stories to magazine for publications and gambling with competitions. I am considering expanding my blog to provide architectural insights and reviews of places I visit and events I attend.

I am considering my options for setting up my own architectural practice, or finding employment with an already established firm. Alongside which, my architecture will also provide me with writing opportunities. At the moment I’m focusing on Linked-In articles, with a view to published journalism in the future. 

So although 2023 may appear to have ended on a low, it is in fact the start of new possibilities. (Though like many writers, I will likely have to broaden my work experience base in order to fund the life to which I am become accustomed!). 

So bring on 2024, the year of adventures!