About KMorral

K.Morral is the short story pseudonym of Karen Morral, creative writer, architectural assistant, amateur photographer, some time sketcher and sometime wildlife guide volunteer for Suffolk Wildlife Trust.

Training and working in architecture, the idea of place and the influence of environment on characters is important to me. I write to thrill the mind and the senses.

I have been writing most of my life as the words come unbidden, seeking expression. Although I tend to write longer pieces, novellas and novels, I also dabble in short stories and poems.I haven’t counted how many works in progress I am working on (including a long term non-fiction project, a four novel paranormal thriller series, and various short stories), or are lingering in the wings ready for the next stage of development.

Also an avid reader, I’m frequently absorbed into the fantasy world of other authors, which will be explored in the development of these blogs, although detailed more thoroughly through my Goodreads account tracks my reading and book reviews – pay me a visit to find out what I’m reading now.

Supervised by my hose rabbits, I am looking forward to taking more of my longer works forward to publication… watch this site for news and developments as they occur.