Motivation, motivation, wherefore art thou Motivation?!

It is fair – and frustrating – to say that I can go long periods without writing.

I finish a project – or sometimes I don’t, my interests fades – and find the lure of the pen dissipates. Not through lack of ideas, it is rare that I don’t have a scene, character or dialogue circulating in my brain at least once a day. Sometimes these are new ideas, sometimes a return to old friends. 

It may be that I hit the ‘I don’t know what to do’ indecisive wall. “Which story do I work on next? What should the character do now? How do they gat from A to B?” It may be laziness, procrastination, or easily distraction. Occasionally it is other demands on my time get in the way – though as it doesn’t take long to write a practice descriptive sentence this isn’t much of an excuse. (Currently, it is the need to study for a Professional Certificate, reading dry legal and contractual documents that drain my creative juices.)

black twist pen on top of open white notebook
Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom on

However, it doesn’t really matter. Writing is currently a hobby, not a career. I’m not disappointing any readers, editors or agents. I’m not working to deadlines. I’m writing for me, to get the words out of my head, to create worlds, friends and adventures I can return to. 

That’s not to say that having deadlines and supportive pressure from an agent/ editor/ writing partner wouldn’t be a bad thing. I have got several degrees under my belt (not to brag…), which have all required submission of written assignments by deadlines proving that this is achievable. Some of my ideas I like to think would be enjoyed by a wider readership. (Indeed I have had some very positive feedback on my short stories, which have feed into my short story collection Worlds Apart) .

So that’s where I am at the moment, and I’m not worrying about it. My motivation and writing ebbs and flows. I’ll enjoy writing when I do it, and enjoy the scenery in my head even if that is where it stays. 

I cannot also avoid the irony in writing this post. I have had the concept rumbling round my brain for some -writing free – months. Now I am getting back into a writing phase, with new blog posts and getting ideas from my brain onto paper.

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on